
RDS Frequently Asked Questions

Which students must use RDS?

All curriculum undergraduate students applying for admission, re-admission, or transfer to a state school will be expected to use RDS. Students, applying to or enrolled at a North Carolina Independent Colleges & Universities (NCICU) institution, who are interested in applying for a North Carolina state grant will be required to complete RDS. Most Corporate & Continuing Education students are exempt from this process.

Will a student have to complete an RDS online interview every year?

No. 在“连续入学”政策下,被任何北卡罗来纳州菲律宾十大网赌网站录取为居民并获得州内学费的学生将保留其居民身份.” Should a student experience a “break” in continuous enrollment, or transfer across systems (university to community college or vice versa), the school will require the student to reapply for admission and, at that time, the student must undergo an RDS residency determination.

What is continuous enrollment? Is continuous enrollment at an individual institution or across community colleges? How is this handled?

Solely for purposes of the Residency Determination System (RDS), 如果学生在秋季和春季学期连续在同一所北卡罗莱纳州高等教育机构注册,则该学生可以连续在北卡罗莱纳州高等教育机构注册获得学位的课程或先决条件, diploma, or certificate for which tuition is charged. A break in enrollment occurs when a student is not enrolled in two consecutive semesters (i.e. fall and spring or spring and fall). 学生不需要在夏季学期注册,以保持RDS的连续注册. UNC, NCCCS和NCICU共同制定了一项共同政策,并探讨了该政策如何在系统内和跨系统发挥作用. This policy will be communicated to the schools and is separate from RDS processes.

How does an administrator get the residency determination for last minute enrollments? 管理人员如何确保学生即使没有完成RDS也能进入课堂? What will the timeline be for schools to get the RDS determination information?

Normally, 学生应该在录取之前或录取过程中通过RDS寻求居住决定. The school can always admit a student before RDS is complete, 但州法律规定,在学生被确定为居民之前,他们必须支付州外学费. RDS将在学生完成RDS在线面试后立即提供初步决定,并立即将结果呈现给学生. 通过学校的管理门户,学校可以几乎实时地获得最终的居住状态.

Will the system be applied to minors?

Yes, the RDS system will determine residency for minors. The vast majority of applications will be determined based on their parent(s) information. In a number of exceptional cases- emancipated minor, parents are deceased, 5 year rule, etc.-系统将根据未成年人的特殊情况适当地决定居住权.

How do you handle students who don’t have SSN, ITIN, ARN or CIS identification number?

因为RDS在很大程度上依赖于与国家机构的数据库匹配能力,以验证学生在RDS在线面试中输入的数据, a unique identifier is critical to a successful determination. 不能(或不愿)提供唯一标识符的学生最初将被归类为州外学生,并且需要提出上诉,这将需要亲自提交纸质身份证明.

What mechanisms will work with the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) students?

DACA students are undocumented and, by law, do not have capacity to be considered for residency. Students who identify themselves in a DACA status will be classified as out-of-state by RDS. 学校可以与DACA学生合作,确定任何可能允许他们接受州内学费的例外情况.

How are students over the age of 24 handled for residency?

RDS依赖于对独立的复杂判断,其依据是明确记录的缺乏“父母”关系和个人的“经济自给自足”. Without clear demonstration of both, the residency of a student, regardless of age, is dependent on the parent’s information.

What about the situation where the military gets 1 year of in-state and then has to reapply? Does continuous enrollment apply to these students or do they still have to reapply annually?

Continuous enrollment applies and the student does not need to reapply annually.

How will RDS handle Career and College Promise (CCP) students? Will CCP students answer RDS residency questions?

If a student identifies as a high school student seeking CCP admission to a community college, CFNC will NOT pass that student to the RDS system, since the student does not need a residency determination. 在中共学生高中毕业并申请成为菲律宾十大网赌网站生的时候, the student will need to apply for residency. If the student graduates from college at the same time as high school, the student will not need to apply for residency.

How are inmates handled in residency?

RDS is seeking clarification and simplification regarding residency for inmates. RDS will share the process once clarification is confirmed.

What help is available if a student needs ADA accommodations?

Students who need help with the online process will have these possible supports:

  • Campus-level assistance with data entry, either face-to-face or by telephone, fulfilling on-campus requirements for ADA compliance.
  • 北卡罗来纳居民决定服务(RDS)呼叫中心在CFI通过一个全州免费电话号码

Will there be a 1-800 number/call center to help the students with RDS?

CFI的NC居住决定服务(RDS)呼叫中心将为学生提供全面的客户支持, families and schools utilizing the RDS system. 学生和家庭将有一个全州免费电话号码,学校将有一个单独的全州免费电话号码.

Can a student “save and return” in the RDS online interview?


What if a student does not know; or forgets, their RCN?

The RDS RCN is a unique identifier for an individual within the RDS system and is, at all times, discoverable for that individual- given enough identifying information. RCN是在学生提交第一次RDS居住决定后发给学生的. If the student logs in to RDS using user name/email and password, the student may print the RCN. If a student forgets the RCN, the student can contact RDS and, with proper identification receive a reminder of the RCN via email or text.

How can a student submit required documentation? Upload? Fax? Mail? When is my deadline for submitting documentation?

You may upload, fax, or mail information directly to RDS. 如果学生在面试期间无法上传所需的文件,并且文件突出, the deadline is 10 days from the date the interview is submitted. If a student is unable to locate or upload the documentation within those 10 days, the student can request an extension. If a student passes the documentation deadline and has not submitted the required documentation, the student will be classified as a nonresident and be expected to pay out-of-state tuition. The student may then seek reconsideration if they still want to claim NC Residency. See Appeals for additional information on reconsideration.

Will there be many options students can use to prove their residency? If a student doesn’t have a driver’s license, how is this handled?

RDS旨在为学生提供各种各样的途径和选择来证明他们在北卡罗来纳州居住, while making it difficult to defraud the system. RDS achieves this balance while adhering to state law. A driver’s license is only one piece of data that RDS will collect in reaching its determination. Assessment of other collected information may allow a student to be determined a resident, even without a driver’s license.

How will RDS and the school work with exceptions? Will the system be able to ultimately help with exception documentation?

Yes. RDS将收集信息,以帮助校园确定个人是否有资格获得“系统特定”例外. RDS will not inform the student directly of potential eligibility. Instead, RDS将在RDS数据中提供异常代码,以确定该学生可能符合的异常情况, based on information given in the RDS online interview. 根据系统政策和实践,学校最终负责授予这些例外.

How will the RDS system work with the Grants System?

RDS将自动更新补助金系统上的居住状态-如果没有学生的居住决定,补助金将无法获得资助. 以下是部署RDS后,住院医师将如何在补助金制度中发挥作用的一些基本要点:

  • 已有学校决定的学生(学生在上学期在该学校获得资助)将继续获得祖父级待遇,除非:
  • 学生转学后,连续两个学期(非夏季)不能获得助学金
  • 新的入学申请者(在RDS部署之前)如果他们在FAFSA上表明他们是北卡罗来纳州居民(就像他们目前所做的那样),学校将证明他们是居民,他们将获得预计的奖励
  • 申请入学的新申请人(在RDS部署之后)将需要获得RDS的居住决定-补助金系统将自动反映该决定
  • 不再享有祖父资格的学生将需要获得RDS的居住决定,助学金系统将自动反映该决定
  • A school may certify a grant for a student who has a projected residency; but only a student who is grandfathered or who has a determination from RDS can receive a state grant
  • SEAA and RDS will work with the schools to develop accurate, 关于居住权决定及其对国家拨款的影响的透明和适当的语言

Can a student seek a new residency determination based on a change in their circumstances?

Yes. Once an RDS determination is complete, students may submit a reconsideration to correct their data or report a change in circumstances, e.g.:

  • Active duty military changes or discharge from the military
  • Change in duration of living in NC
  • Marriage to a NC resident
  • Death of parent(s)
  • Change in immigration or US citizenship status
  • Change in financial self-sufficiency
  • Relocation to NC by individual and/or family

Additional Questions

For additional questions, please refer to the RDS website.